
Student scholarships awarded by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology are divided into the following categories: Olympic I/International Excellence Scholarships; Performance Scholarships; Social Scholarships; Other Scholarships. Scholarships are awarded in accordance with the provisions: Order of the Ministry of Education No 6463 / 2023 - on the establishment of general criteria for the award of scholarships and other forms of support [...]

Master schedule, semester II, 2023-2024

Master's schedule year 1 ANNOUNCEMENT for students of master's programs in year 2: Teaching activities in the discipline of Ethics and Academic Integrity will be carried out in the following intervals. Mircea ToboșaruThe master programs of the DCAE and TEF departments: MN (Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics), TAEA (Advanced Integrated Technologies in Automotive Electronics), ICSFET (Quality and Safety Engineering in Electronics and Electronics [...]

Announcement on the award of second and third degree performance scholarships in the second semester, academic year 2023-2024

According to the Scholarship Award Methodology, students who have obtained an average above 8.00 in the first semester of the current academic year may apply for a scholarship in the first semester of the current academic year. II, by filling in the standard performance scholarship application form. We remind you that students in the first year of bachelor's and first year of master's degree can apply for and receive only the performance scholarship grade III. The performance scholarship [...]

Checking grades for semester I, academic year 2023-2024

Please go to to check the academic situation for the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024, and in case of discrepancies please contact the year secretary by email by 01.03.2024 inclusive. After this date no further corrections will be made to the catalogues. Laura CORNĂȚEANUSecretary year I licență ARSENESecretary year II licență CHIRIȚĂSecretary year III [...]

Announcement of the payment of fees for the second semester, academic year 2023/2024

According to the Regulations for Undergraduate and Master's Studies, fees for study contracts will be paid during the first two weeks of the semester. At the ETTI Faculty, proof of payment will be uploaded by the student on the contract platform, within one month from the start date of the second semester. Students who do not pay the fee and do not upload the proof of payment within [...]

Accommodation semester 2

Students wishing to stay in the second semester are kindly requested to fill in this form. Deadline: Sunday 18 February 2024. Assignments will be made during the week of 19-25 February, and accommodation will be made on the first days of the second semester. There are options for all dorms on the form, but we won't know the exact number of places available until we receive the status [...]

Student Camps January 2024

Update 02.02.2024 The results of the 2024 winter camps are available at the ETTI secretariat and the list can be consulted from Friday (02.02.2024) at 13:00. Students who have applied can find out their position on the list by asking the year secretary. Update 31.01.2024 The ETTI faculty committee for the selection of students who will benefit from camps (for winter 2024) is composed [...]