Master schedule, semester II, 2023-2024

Master schedule year 1

ANNOUNCEMENT for 2nd year Master students:

Teaching activities in the subject of Ethics and Academic Integrity will take place in the following intervals:

Lect. Mircea ToboșaruMaster's programs from the DCAE and TEF departments: MN (Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics), TAEA (Advanced Integrated Technologies in Automotive Electronics), ICSFET (Electronics and Telecommunications Functional Safety and Quality Engineering), MS (Microsystems)Thursday, 18-20, week seems, online on MsTeams
Lect. Ionuț CojocaruMaster's programs of the EAII department: EIA (Electronics and Applied Informatics), EIM (Electronics and Medical Informatics), IISC (Information and Computer Systems Engineering), SIVA (Intelligent Systems and Artificial Vision), TAID (Advanced Techniques for Digital Imaging)Tuesdays, 18-20, week seems, online on MsTeams
Conf. Ciprian TudorMaster's programmes in the TC department: CMOB (Mobile Communications), MSR (Service and Network Management), PCON (Multimedia Technologies for Content Production in Audiovisual and Communications), TSAC (Advanced Software Technologies for Communications), TC (Telecommunications)Wednesdays, 18-20, odd weeks, online on MsTeams
Andrei Simionescu-PanaitMaster Programs in English: AWC (Advanced Wireless Communications), AM (Advanced Microelectronics), ACES (Advanced Computing for Embedded Systems), EPIC (Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Control)Mondays, 17-19, week seems, online Ms Teams