The official regulations governing the number and manner of awarding scholarships can be found in the section Regulations and Procedures.
Student scholarships awarded by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology are divided into the following categories:
- Olympic excellence I/international scholarships;
- performance scholarships;
- social grants;
- other types of scholarships.
Scholarships are awarded in accordance with the provisions:
- Order of the Ministry of Education no. 6463 / 2023 - on the establishment of the general criteria for granting scholarships and other forms of material support for students and trainees in state higher education, full-time education
- Methodology for granting scholarships and other forms of material support to students of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest starting with the academic year 2023-2024
Performance scholarships
Performance scholarships are awarded to students from Politehnica București, enrolled in full-time university study programmes, regardless of the form of funding. The categories of performance scholarships are:
- Performance Grant Grade I
- Performance Grant Grade II
- Performance scholarship grade III
The performance incentive scholarships referred to in paragraph 1 shall be awarded for the purpose of (1) may be awarded to students who fall into at least one of the following categories:
- have achieved outstanding results in their studies, i.e. have the highest average in the same year of study of a programme;
- have achieved scientific performance, innovation and patents.
Performance scholarships are distributed in descending order of grade point average within the budget of each faculty.
Awarding performance scholarships:
- For the award of the first degree performance scholarship, a file must be completed and submitted to the faculty secretariat (Details about the awarding of grade I performance scholarships and documents required for the awarding of grade 1 performance scholarships)
- Performance scholarship grade II is awarded strictly on the basis of average as per Art. 21(7) - application to be submitted
- Performance scholarship grade III is awarded strictly on the basis of average as per Art. 21 (7) - application to be submitted
Social scholarships
Beneficiaries of social grants can be:
a) students orphaned by one or both parents, students from single-parent families or students from foster care who do not have an income above the social grant threshold;
b) students suffering from tuberculosis, who are under the care of medical units, during tuberculostatic treatment, insulin-dependent diabetes, malignant diseases, severe malabsorption syndromes, chronic kidney disease on dialysis, moderate or severe persistent bronchial asthma, grand mal epilepsy, congenital heart disease, chronic hepatitis with advanced fibrosis (stage F3 or F4), glaucoma, severe myopia, severe forms of autoimmune immunological diseases, rare diseases, autism spectrum disorders, severe haematological diseases requiring continuous treatment or frequent hospitalisation, bilateral deafness, cystic fibrosis, those infected with HIV or AIDS, those with a locomotor disability and those classified as disabled, without taking into account the average income per family member;
- Details of how to apply and the necessary documents can be found here.
- A model medical certificate is available here.
c) students whose family did not have an average net monthly income per family member higher than the minimum net basic salary in the economy in the 12 months prior to the start of the semester/academic year.
For the academic year 2023-2024, the ceiling for granting the social scholarship is the minimum net basic salary on the economy is 2079 lei per month / family member.
Methodology for awarding grants and annexes
- Methodology for granting scholarships and other forms of material support to students of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
- General information note on the processing of personal data of students participating in the award of a scholarship at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest
- Procedure for calculating and proving the net income mentioned in the Methodology for awarding scholarships and other forms of material support for students of Politehnica București
Models of documents
- Application form for a performance grant grade I
- Application form for performance scholarships grade II and III
- Social grant application form
Personal data processing agreement
- Agreement to process personal data of the grant applicant
- Agreement to process personal data of the family members of the student applying for a social scholarship
Income declaration
- Affidavit of permanent net income subject to income tax - centralised
- Affidavit of permanent net income subject to income tax - parents/brothers/sisters
- Affidavit of permanent net income subject to income tax - student
For more details, please also refer to the ETTI Annex to the UPB Scholarship Regulations in Regulations and Procedures.