The admission process to our faculty is done in several sessions. Results from previous years can be found here.
Contact ETTI Local Admission Committee
0751 049 989
Call Center Program (starting January 10): Wednesday and Friday - 9:00 – 11:00
E-mail: (e-mail communication is recommended)
Candidații care la înscriere optează și pentru locuri pentru care școlarizarea se realizează în beneficiul Serviciului Român de Informații trebuie să fi parcurs cu succes etapa suplimentară de înscriere și evaluare specifică la beneficiar (informațiile necesare se găsesc here)
This session is reserved for candidates who have outstanding results in Olympiads and competitions held during high school, as well as for those highly motivated to pursue a technical career in a particular field and who wish to guarantee (through pre-admission) an early place for studies at the Bucharest Polytechnic, before taking the Baccalaureate exam.
This session is reserved for candidates who are highly motivated to pursue a technical career in a specific profile and who wish to guarantee (through pre-admission) a place for studies in POLITEHNICA Bucharest, before taking the Baccalaureate exam. (more…)
High school graduates with outstanding results in national and international Olympiads and competitions have the right to enrol, on request, without taking the entrance examination, within the number of places/grants allocated, in state higher education in fields of study corresponding to the subjects in which they have been awarded distinctions. Eligibility conditions and required documents are presented in the Admission Regulations of POLITEHNICA Bucharest.
This session corresponds to the traditional university admission session, which candidates attend only after they have graduated from high school and passed the National Baccalaureate Examination. All the faculties of the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest participate in this session with all the available fields and places in the portfolio.
This session is intended for candidates who have graduated from high school, passed the National Baccalaureate Examination and obtained distinctions in international school olympiads recognized by the Ministry of Education. They have the right to enroll, upon request, without taking the entrance examination, in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, within the framework of the allocated places or grants, in fields of study corresponding to the subjects in which they have been awarded distinctions. They may also attend, free of tuition fees, the courses of two faculties in state higher education institutions. (more…)
This session is intended for all candidates who have graduated from high school and passed the National Baccalaureate Exam and wish to enroll in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. (more…)