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About ETTI

The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI) is one of the largest and best known faculties in the country, educating over 3000 students and offering its students and graduates a harmonious set of educational benefits.

Romanian education by Electron has existed at the Polytechnic School of Bucharest since 1920 in the form of specialized courses in electronics and telecommunications. These two fields of interest were reunited in 1924 in the specialty of Telephony-Telegraphy from the Faculty of Electromechanics, then becoming in 1929 the Electrommunications Department within the same faculty.

It was founded in 1953 University of Electron, with the specialization directions: Industrial Electronics, Radiocommunications and Telephony-Telegraphy. In 1955 the name was changed to University of electronics and telecommunication. In 1990, three major specialization sections were formed: Industrial Electronics, Communications and Microelectronics, within each specialization section there are in-depth directions for student training. The current name of the faculty, respectively Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, was established in 2005 in accordance with the current curriculum.

University activity in the faculty it is carried out according to the Bologna system in the three cycles: bachelor's degree - with a duration of 4 years for the purpose of basic training of the future electronic engineer of telecommunications and information technology, master's degree - to deepen the fields of specialization and doctorate. All study programs are accredited by ARACIS (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education). The faculty collaborates with many universities in the country and abroad, and the diplomas obtained at graduation are recognized worldwide.

Bachelor programmes

The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology trains engineers in two main fields, each with one or more study programs:

Study programs in English language (Applied Electronics - in English and Telecommunications Technologies and Systems - in English) are accredited by ARACIS and certified EUR-ACE (European Accredited Engineer) which validates the quality and recognition of undergraduate studies at universities in Europe and the world as well. and from the economic environment. Studying in English offers students the following benefits:

  • understanding the terms and notions of electronics, telecommunications and information technology in foreign literature;
  • learning a common language with employees of multinational companies;
  • participation in ERASMUS + international student mobility programs
  • completion of the English language diploma project, recognized by foreign universities;
  • continuing studies in master's programs with teaching in English in the country and abroad

Master's degree studies

… Accredited by ARACIS evaluation in 2019) follow the same fields as the license ones:

  • Domain of Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technologies - 23 programs in Romanian or English: Advanced Microelectronics, Advanced wireless communications, Advanced Computing in Embedded Systems, Integrated communication circuits and systems, Mobile communications, Multimedia communications, Applied electronics and computing, Electronics and medical informatics, Advanced medical imaging, Engineering Quality and safety in electronics and telecommunications, Information and computing systems engineering, Service and network management, Microelectronics and nanoelectronics, Microsystems, Nano-bio-engineering in environmental management, Optoelectronics, Integrated telecommunications networks, Advanced techniques for digital imaging , Advanced integrated technologies in automotive electronics, Multimedia technologies in biometrics and information security applications, Multimedia technologies for content production in the field of audiovisual and communications, Advanced software technologies for communications, Telecommunications.
  • Computer and Information Technology - 1 program: Intelligent systems and artificial vision.

Faculty members teach courses in the fields of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer Engineering and Telecommunications. In all these areas, the emphasis is on the accumulation of theoretical and practical knowledge. All courses are designed to meet the requirements of education and training, requirements imposed by current state-of-the-art technology and to be useful in the industry and the corresponding business based on technology transfer in Romania. As a result of strong links and collaborations with industry and the business environment, the faculty has responded to the growing demand for the recruitment of industry graduates through a broader knowledge base, which includes both a technological and economic qualification. and managerial.

ETTI currently has four departments with a teaching staff of approximately 150 teachers with extensive research experience, of which about 60 are professors and lecturers. Many of them have lectured at prestigious universities such as the University of Berkeley, Cambridge University, Grenoble National Polytechnic Institute, Johns Hopkins, etc. Of the teachers, almost 50 are PhD supervisors ETTI doctoral school, a doctoral school dedicated to research in the field of Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technology, currently guiding over 250 PhD students, with or without attendance, from the country and abroad.

In the faculty, seen as a strong research center, there are a number of traditional main directions and others with a high degree of novelty. Thus, seven work in ETTI research centers: Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques (CETTI), Research Center for Telecommunications Systems, Networks and Software (CCSRST), Research Center for Communications and Signal Processing (3CPS), Research Center for Optoelectronics (CCO), Laboratory of Image Analysis and Processing (LAPI), Space Information Research Center (CeoSpaceTech), Microelectronics Research and Development Center (EDIL). Among the accreditations of the centers we mention, for example, ISO 9001: 2000 for research and education, accreditation Technological and Business Incubator and center of excellence recognized CNCSIS since 2001, for the CETTI center.

From the point of view of material basis, ETTI is located an impressive space of about 20,000 m2, on the Leu campus, located in a select and beautiful area of Bucharest, near the Cotroceni presidential palace. The Leo Campus offers very good conditions for students, including the Student Center with approximately 500 comfortable rooms, a gym, a medical center, three restaurants, etc.

The teaching activities take place in two buildings with lecture and seminar rooms, as well as laboratory rooms, properly sized and equipped with high-performance equipment to ensure quality education. Thus, 17 classrooms with a total capacity of 2100 seats, 9 seminar rooms with a total capacity of 210 seats and 90 laboratory rooms with an area of almost 5500 m are used for teaching and research activities.2. All the spaces belong to the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. In addition, there are collaboration agreements with companies and research institutes in Bucharest for the punctual use of highly specialized facilities (laboratories, installations, equipment) (experimental micro- and nano-electronics lines, medical equipment, etc.…). As a result of the cooperation relationship with the companies, donations and sponsorships of equipment and services were received in the faculty, most of them aimed at improving the logistics of teaching and research laboratories. The companies also offered scholarships and internships to the students of the faculty, organized competitions and sponsored with prizes various events organized by student organizations.