Applied electronics and information engineering
Director: Conf. dr. eng. Bogdan FLOREA
Page address: http://www.eaii.pub.ro
Teaching activity includes:
- general training courses for students in the first three years of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (Artificial Intelligence, Information Transmission Theory, Decision and Estimation in Information Processing, Digital Signal Processing, Microprocessor Architecture, etc.);
- training courses for students in the faculties of Foreign Language Engineering, Medical Engineering, Energetics, Electrical Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management, Industrial Engineering and Robotics, Biotechnical Systems Engineering;
- specialist subjects for students in the final years of the ETTI faculty who have chosen one of the majors Applied Electronics or Information Engineering;
- disciplines whose beneficiaries are students enrolled in the Master's programmes: Electronics and Applied Informatics, Medical Electronics and Informatics, Information and Computer Systems Engineering, Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision, Advanced Techniques for Digital Imaging.
The main research directions of the department are Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Databases, Robotics, Computational Intelligence (neural networks, fuzzy systems), Industrial and Medical Electronics and Informatics, Automated Testing, Automation, Information and Code Theory, Image Processing and Analysis, Parallel Computing Structures and Algorithms.