First accommodation session 2024-2025

Announcement September 27, 2024

Time 11:00 - Contracts have been uploaded on the

Students must report to the dorm administration on the dates of September 27, in the time slot 11:30-16:00, or in the dates of September 28 and 29, in the time slot 8:00-16:00, with the following documents:

  • attached documents (application and contract), printed in duplicate, preferably in color
  • original receipt of payment of the dormitory fee and/or proof of fee reduction (for death certificates one copy is sufficient)
  • a copy of your ID or passport with your telephone number written on it
  • a passport photo for the dorm ID (with the student's name and room written on the back of the photo)

Proof of fee reduction is left in the dorm, and the dean's office will pick them all up after check-in.

Announcement September 27, 2024

Contracts and accommodation requests for students assigned in the first session will be uploaded on the, in the "Accommodations".
The deadline for their submission is September 27, 10:00.

Once the contracts have been received, students will be able to check in on September 27, until 16:00. Program for the days of 28 and September 29 will be communicated later.

Announcement September 26, 2024

Students in years II-IV of bachelor and year II of master can pay directly into the accounts shown below. To check in today, they must present proof of paymentas well as a screenshot with distribution from the platform

Deadline for uploading the proof of payment/documents for fee reduction on the platform was moved for September 26, 17:00.

Announcement September 25, 2024

Given the temporary inoperability of the platform for the payment of the dormitory fees for students in years II-IV and for master students in year II, the deadline for uploading the proof of payment on the platform has been extended until September 26, 14:00.

Tonight, the FINAL allocations for ETTI dormitories will be uploaded on the platform.

Student accommodation on summer can be done on September 26 between 8:00-16:00 only with proof of payment/proof of subsidy and photo after the assignment on the platformIn the following days he will bring the accommodation contract and the rest of the documents.

Note: Final allocations may changei than those displayed on the contracts platform. If you have paid for a specific room and have been assigned to the same dormitory, you do not need to pay again.

Announcement September 24, 2024

Uploaded to the Section "Accommodation", assigning students to dormitories for session I.
Students are asked to confirm their place and upload to the platform proof of payment or supporting documents exemption/reduction, depending on the category to which each student belongs.

The accommodation calendar has been updated, please check it below.

Students in years 2-4 and master year 2, starting this year, will pay on the platform, section "Payments" (This will be active from September 25).

Bachelor 1st year and Master 1st year students will make the payment by payment order, mentioning the following details: name and surname, dormitory, room and month for which the payment is to be made, to the following accounts:

  • For students Romanians (account in lei):

National Polytechnic University of Science and Technology of Bucharest - CUI 48467613
BCR - IBAN RO96RNNCB072300050506250268; SWIFT: RNCBROBU

  • For students foreigners (EURO account):

National Polytechnic University of Science and Technology of Bucharest - CUI 48467613
BCR - IBAN: RO49RNCB072300050506250338
BRD - IBAN: RO32BRDE410SV5902222704100

Announcement September 24, 2024

Deadline for sending the assignments has been extended until today at 12:00.

Announcement September 23, 2024

Due to the high number of applications, the deadline for sending the assignments has been amended to September 23 at 23:59.

Royalty rates 2024-2025

Lodging rates are valid through the end of 2024 and will be updated based on price change notifications received from utility providers beginning January 2025. Students who eventually will not be able to afford the reg after January 1 will have the option to drop out of the dorm.

Students with state-funded studies receive a category 1 accommodation subsidy.

Students orphaned by one or two parents and students from foster care centers and children of teachers or auxiliary teachers and children descendants of the heroes of the revolution, Romanian state scholarship holders, foreign students exempted from tuition fees and children from single-parent families, benefit from an additional accommodation subsidy - category 2.

For students who fall into category 2 above, they must have as proof: a copy of the death certificate of the parent(s) or a certificate from the placement center (original) or a teacher's certificate (original), must be approved by the county inspectorate (for pre-university educational institutions) or the university rector, explicitly stating the student's name and the fact that it will be used for dormitory accommodation, or a survivor's certificate (original). The certificates must not be more than 30 days old at the time of accommodation. For students who are part of a single-parent family, documents must be uploaded to prove this situation.

Thus, students who fall into both categories (1 and 2) above receive a double grant.

According to the regulations in force, students with disabilities (handicap) benefit from a reduction of 50% of the dormitory fee, according to art. 16 para. 8 of Law 448/2006 with subsequent amendments and additions. This reduction is applied after the calculation of the tuition fee, depending on the type of subsidy.

Overheads, valid until the end of 2024are:

Leu A - free of charge for students with double subsidy, 330 RON/month for budget students, 320 RON/month for fee-paying students with a subsidy and 500 RON/month for students without a subsidy

Leu C - 40 RON for students with double subsidy, 400 RON/month for students on budget and without special category, 385 RON/month for students on fee and have a subsidy and 565 RON/month for students without subsidy.

P20 - 150 RON/month for students with double subsidy, 510 RON/month for students on budget and without special category, 445 RON/month for students on fee and have a subsidy, and 625 RON/month for students without subsidy.

P1 - 325 RON/month for students with a double subsidy, 685 RON/month for students on budget and without special category, 570 RON/month for students on fee and with a subsidy, and 750 RON/month for students without a subsidy.

P23 - free of charge for foreign students on scholarships or without scholarship but without fee, 500 RON/ month for foreign students studying in "own currency account" (CPV).

Note: Single-parent family: this is the type of family in which children live with only one parent, who is unmarried. This can be due to divorce, the separation of parents, the death of a parent, the bereavement of a minor by an adult, or a woman's decision to give birth to a child without being married or living with a man. 

Announcement September 18, 2024

A new box has been added on the platform, in which ALL students must select their gender.

Announcement September 18, 2024

Accommodation calendar

  1. Fill in the registration form on the platform ( deadline, Friday, September 20, 23:59
  2. Allocation of places according to expressed preferences, priorities and means:  September 21-22 .
  3. E-mail notification of the allocation (or impossibility of allocation) to all those who applied for a place: Deadline September 24, 12:00 .
  4. Payment of dorm payment and uploading of proof of payment (or fee waiver, according to the regulations) by students: Deadline September 26, 14:00
  5. E-mailing of the accommodation contract for students who have uploaded proof of payment: Deadline September 27, 10:00
  6. Accommodation for students who have been accommodated during the summer in university dormitories: September 26 between 08:00-16:00.
  7. Accommodation for students coming from the provinces:  September 27 - September 29

Disqualification of students who nu still wish to stay in the dorm after the summer period is done on the days of September 20-22 The program will be announced later.

Fees for the academic year 2024-2025 will be posted Thursday, September 19, 2024 .

Announcement September 17, 2024

ETTI students, who have been admitted to the Master's program, as well as students who belong to the category of Romanians living abroad and do not have access to the contracts platform yet, please complete the accommodation application at:

Announcement September 11, 2024

In view of the questions received, we would like to clarify the following:

  • Special categories (child of a teacher/child of a parent)

Students who fall into these categories will upload the necessary documents for the accommodation fee reduction in the form that will be available after the allocation of places in dormitories. Until then, NO documents need to be sent.

  • Accommodation for non-ETTI students

People who are not ETTI students can apply for accommodation using the special form, which can be accessed at this address: (Deadline: September 18, 23:59)

Announcement September 3, 2024

Students seeking accommodation for the academic year 2024-2025 are kindly requested to fill in all the required information on the platform in the section "Accommodation", created especially for this purpose.

  • Deadline September 18, 23:59.

NOTE 1: This request applies to all students, both undergraduate and master students, including those who have already filled in the application on the platform. well as first year students who have already created an account on the


  1. Students studying on budget accommodation receive an accommodation subsidy from the state budget. 
  2. Students who are children of employees in the education system, descendants of the heroes of the 1989 Revolution and orphaned students with budget-funded studies benefit from a double subsidy. 
  3. This grant does not apply to fee-paying students or students repeating a year.

Our faculty has places in the following dormitories: 

  • Leu A - rooms with three beds, en suite bathroom. 
  • Lion C - rooms with two beds in the room, bathroom on the landing. 
  • P1 - rooms with two beds in the room, bathroom per module.
  • P20 - rooms with two beds in the room, bathroom on the landing. This dormitory offers superior conditions (TV and fridge in the room, laundry on the ground floor and fully equipped kitchen on the landing). 
  • P23 - rooms with two beds in the room, toilet on the landing. This dormitory is dedicated to foreign students.

The accommodation calendar and the amount of the accommodation fee will be published in the following period. Starting September 3, the email address will be activated. If you have any questions or problems, please use this address because the faculty secretariat is not involved and has no information about the accommodation process.

Attention! Being assigned a room this academic year does not guarantee that you will receive the same room in future years. Room and roommate preferences will be honored only to the extent possible and in order of priority and average. Any room changes or upgrades will only be made with the approval of the dorm administration at the risk that you may be moved to a different room the following year.


General information: