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If you want to participate in the ERASMUS+ study mobility program you will need a language certificate for a language of international circulation.
For those who do not have and want such a certificate (which can be used only to participate in the ERASMUS + program), the Language Test will be organized Wednesday, October 9, as follows:
12.00-14.00 (English) - https://curs.upb.ro/2024/course/view.php?id=2705
14.00-16.00 (French) - https://curs.upb.ro/2024/course/view.php?id=2703
14.00-16.00 (German) - https://curs.upb.ro/2024/course/view.php?id=2704
16.00-18.00 (Spanish) - https://curs.upb.ro/2024/course/view.php?id=2701
More details about the ERASMUS+ program herehttps://upb.ro/concurs-granturi-erasmus/