Taking into account :
- The provisions of Law 199 / 2023 - Law on Higher Education - art. 128 paragraph (3) and Law 272 / 2004 republished, with subsequent amendments and additions - art. 64 paragraph (1) on the protection and promotion of children's rights - the settlement of surface transportation;
- Order No 3131 / 2019 issued by the Ministry of National Education on the approval of the Methodology for the allocation of budgetary funds for the subsidy for local public surface public transportation for students, allocated to state higher education institutions in Romania;
In the academic year 2024-2025, the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Politehnica Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology may only reimburse the STB season tickets for students enrolled in full-time education, aged up to 30 years.
Disbursement is made as follows:
a) 90% from the amount of the subscription, for students enrolled in the current year of bachelor's/master's degree programs, regardless of the form of financing of studies;
b) 100% from the amount of the season ticket, for students orphaned (by one or both parents) or coming from foster homes or who have been in foster care with extended or substitute family or with a foster carer.
Submission of documents for the settlement of STB vouchers purchased up to the date of submission will be made at the ETTI secretariat, through the group leaders or individually.
Subscription settlement statements can be submitted in March (for October, November, December, January and February) and June (March, April, May and June).
Centralising table submitted by the group leader or the student seeking the settlement must be typed, all data must be correct and without erasures.
The column with the student's name will be filled in alphabetically and the last column will be signed only by the card owner.
Together with the centralised table, the following will be presented for each student:
- Subscription settlement request (see model application);
- Xerox copy of the STB ''ACTIV " card
- Original STB tax receipts stamped by the STB (sales center) or tax invoice received by email (through the YouthTB app). {Acts will be stapled in the above order!}
Only students who present original receipts and a copy of their 'ACTIV' card with the student's name and legible card series.
Receipts are received for settlement in the chronological order of the months, in original, stamped by the STB issuer.
For each student, the STB receipts are arranged in chronological order, and the same is done in the settlement table and in the supporting documents, and stapled on top of them single copy the "ACTIV" card.
Receipts which do not have the same series as the one written on the copy of the "ACTIV" card can only be settled if:
- proof from the STB General Management showing the serial number of the card, in the case of a lost card, or printscreen from the account on the website
The copy of the "ACTIV" card must be attached to each set of receipts, each time the table is presented for settlement (there are 2 settlements in the academic year, so each student must xerox at the beginning of the academic year 2 copies of the "ACTIV" card, so as not to delete the card number due to frequent use).
- for the settlement, each student must have a valid personal IBAN, valid for the entire academic year, uploaded on the platform
The submission of the tables for settlement will be done throughout the month, thus avoiding overcrowding in the last days of submission.
For any questions, you can contact us by email at, or at the faculty secretariat during public opening hours.
ETTI Secretariat
- Metrorex passes or integrated passes (transport surface + subway or surface transportation + train). Metro season tickets shall be paid for separately, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Decision no. 811 of September 8, 2023 for the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the granting of internal rail and metro transportation facilities for students.
- Subscriptions for students whose name and "ACTIV" card series are not legible.
Subscriptions during the summer holidays (except for subscriptions of third year students who have Practica after the exam session).
– Tables that do not conform to the model shown (see ETTI website for model).
IMPORTANT: Before submitting the table for settlement, please read carefully the instructions on the ETTI website (in case of any unclear questions, please contact