Mobile communications

Octavian Fratu
Catalogue of disciplines
With the transition from 5-year engineering studies to the Bologna system, with bachelor and master degrees, the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI) of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest has initiated several representative master degree programs to continue the faculty's bachelor degree programs, including the one in Mobile Communications, which was finally adopted by the UPB Senate Decision. The first year in which master's studies were held under this programme was the 2009-2010 academic year, with a group of 25 students admitted on the basis of an entrance exam. Subsequently, in 2010, the Mobile Communications master's degree program was the first master's program in the ETTI Faculty to enter the accreditation process. Thus, by the decision of the ARACIS Council on 30.09.2010, the Mobile Communications master study programme was accredited with the highest ARACIS rating, i.e. Accreditation, being able to enrol a maximum of 30 students. Due to the fact that the Mobile Communications master study programme combines wireless transmission issues with communication network issues, including in mobility conditions, and mobile terminal application development, it has been running every year with good and very good results, being in demand by the students of the faculty, especially but not only by the graduates of the Telecommunication Technologies and Systems (TST) bachelor programme.
Who is it for?
The CMob Master's degree is aimed at graduates, especially those with a degree in the fields of Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Computers and Information Technology, Applied Engineering Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Engineering and Management: Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering.
Objectives of the Master's programme
Providing the theoretical basis and applied knowledge for mobile communications engineers. They need to acquire the ability to take a system-level view and design the different layers of a mobile communications system or network, from the physical to the application layer, knowing the corresponding sub-layers and the interactions between them. Additional emphasis is placed on the radio access subsystem and mobility issues. Due to the particular technical dynamics of the domain concerned, it brings together aspects of principle but also the latest technological trends in the field (e.g. software-defined networks, new 5G radio specifications, Internet-of-Things protocols). These objectives are achieved by:
- Deepening the knowledge graduates of undergraduate studies in electronics and telecommunications in the direction of mobile communications and wireless (radio) access networks;
- Encouraging the development of individual or group projects that develop skills in finding and/or solving research problems as well as conducting independent research in the most relevant topical areas;
- Creating conditions academic exchanges for both students and teachers and bringing them into contact with cutting-edge European and European concerns international.
- Attracting the right important economic players in the field (operators, equipment developers, application developers, regulatory bodies, other companies interested in the field mobile communications and mobility access systems) in the training of students in in this area.
Specialist skills offered to graduates
The Mobile Communications (CMob) Master's programme provides training in specialist and transversal skills such as:
- Ability to specify, plan, follow up and execute a technical project in the field of telecommunications, particularly in mobile communications and radio access networks;
- To develop a comprehensive picture of radio channel data detection and retrieval techniques (diversity reception, appropriate modulation/demodulation techniques, equalisation, detection, etc.);
- Ability to design and field deploy a mobile communications access system in a variety of radio communication technologies;
- Design, implementation and management of small and large radio networks to ensure secure access and guaranteed performance;
- Ability to analyse and determine system level specifications of physical level equipment and its modules at higher levels;
- Ability to specify services and applications for mobile communications, to develop such small and medium-sized applications and to implement them in a mobile communications system;
- The fulfilment of professional tasks with the precise identification of the objectives to be achieved, potential risk factors, available resources, economic and financial aspects, conditions for their completion, work stages, working time, and related deadlines;
- Responsible execution of work tasks in a multidisciplinary team with the assumption of roles on different hierarchical levels;
- Identify the need for continuous training and make effective use of information sources and communication and assisted training resources (Internet portals, specialised software applications, databases, on-line courses, etc.) both in Romanian and in an international language.
Examples of research directions addressed
- Experimental study on the performance of a programmable GPS receiver using the USRP platform
- Intelligent assistive system for people with hearing and speech disabilities
- Computer-controlled price display system on mobile devices
- Use of femtocells in 3GPP mobile communications networks
- Beamforming in MASSIVE MIMO
- Educational platform for the characterisation of optical fibre parameters
- Multiple access techniques in 5G
- Analysis of key factors facilitating BGP/MPLS VPN multiprotocol convergence in case of network incidents
- Autonomous houseplant maintenance system
- IoT system for air quality monitoring
- The effect of solitons on optical fibre propagation
- Android Step Counter app
- Performance evaluation of an IT system in the context of microservices
- Comparison between 4G and 5G network architectures
- Study of BGP protocol: routing policies, path selection algorithm
- Study and optimization of the use of radio resources in VoLTE transmissions
- Implementing different modulation in 5G using Massive MIMO
- GPON network monitoring solution - FTTx
- Vehicle authentication and control system
- Smart, non-invasive jamming stations