Management of services and networks

Roxana Zoican


Catalogue of disciplines



Programul de master Managementul Serviciilor şi Reţelelor (MSR) are ca principale obiective aprofundarea cunoştinţelor absolvenţilor studiilor de licenţă în direcţia managementului pentru reţelele care integrează tehnologii diverse şi oferă o gamă largă de servicii, furnizarea cunoştinţelor tehnice şi abilităţilor manageriale necesare pentru planificarea, achiziţionarea, operarea şi evaluarea reţelelor şi sistemelor de comunicaţii, precum si cooperarea cu actori economici importanţi din domeniul IT&C în pregătirea studenţilor din acest domeniu.

In addition to individual research activities, the MSR master program provides for the training and attraction of master students in the scientific research activity of the Center for Systems, Networks and Software in Telecommunications (CCRST) of the Telecommunications Department of ETTI, through participation in European grants and projects carried out within it.

Programul de studii de master MSR este compatibil cu alte programe de master în domeniul reţelelor si serviciilor, derulate la nivel european, ca de exemplu Network Services and Systems de la universitatea KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Suedia sau Communication Networks & Services (COMNETS) de la Telecom Sud Paris, Franţa, universitate cu care facultatea de Electronică, Telecomunicaţii şi Tehnologia Informaţiei realizează schimburi şi parteneriate avantajoase pentru studenţi.

Who is it for?

The Services and Network Management master's program is open to graduates of computer and information technology, electronic engineering and telecommunications, computer science and information applied engineering sciences, electrical engineering, systems engineering, engineering and management (specialization Electrical, Electronic and Energy Engineering).

The MSR Master program is addressed to those who are or want to become managers in IT&C departments of companies or government agencies, network operators for fixed and mobile networks, service providers (voice, data, video, multimedia, content), network administrators, those who will work in centers for maintenance and monitoring services provided by manufacturers to operators or users and those in the field of standards development - management and control for services and networks.

Objectives of the program Master

The objectives of the Service and Network Management study program consist in acquiring knowledge and skills in:

  • Fixed and mobile network design, operation and planning, access and transportation network planning, use of databases for management and specialized SW languages and technologies for management systems
  • Methods for planning and implementation of telecommunications services, monitoring and evaluation performance, simulation for network and service evaluation
  • Security management: network and service security methods and protocols; protection management and control systems

Specialized skills offered to graduates

The Service and Network Management degree program offers graduates to develop competencies in following areas:

  • Conception, specification, design, design, implementation, integration, integration, operation, development of integrated systems management systems for telecommunications networks and services; multi-plane management architectures management, control, orchestration)
  • Management and control in recent technologies
  • Software Defined Networking
  • Network Function Virtualization
  • Parallel virtual networks in 5G ("slicing")
  • Cloud technologies (centralized, distributed)
  • Adaptive management, autonomic, artificial intelligence
  • Security technologies (access, securing information, ensuring confidentiality, cryptography)

The competencies acquired in the Master's program in Network and Service Management, with application in highly topical areas (management and control for access and transportation networks, networks and services for mobile communications - WiFi, 4G, 5G, multimedia services and applications, Internet of Things, communications vehicular communications, smart cities), offers graduates numerous opportunities for building a career in this specialization.

Examples of research strands addressed

The main research directions pursued in both the dissertation and semester projects are:

  • Design and use of management functions (fault detection, configuration, accounting resource utilization, performance evaluation, security)
  • Management protocols
  • Advanced management systems (autonomic, adaptive, artificial intelligence)
  • Mobility management (terminals, services)
  • Resource management methods for:
    • Quality of Service (QoS) in multimedia communications
    • Ensuring quality of experience (QoE) for communication services
    • Service Level Agreements ("Service Level Agreement" - SLA, "Experience Level Agreement" - ELA), negotiation, establishing, monitoring fulfillment
    • Transport optimization (MPLS, optical technologies)
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