Electronics and Applied Informatics

Adriana Florescu
Catalogue of disciplines
Electronics and Applied Informatics master program coordinated by Department of Applied Electronics and Information Engineering of the faculty ETTI of UPB offers to its graduates a wide opening towards applications electronics in various industrial fields (efficient energy conversion of electricity from conventional and conventional primary energy sources renewables, transportation, industrial automation, robotics, medicine, informatics for industrial environments, neuroinformatics, processing and transmission of information through wireless sensor networks, etc), reflected by the study disciplines in its curriculum: Process Control control, Artificial intelligence in robotics, Fundamentals of automotive electronics, Virtual Instrumentation and Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Informatics, Electronics of renewable energy systems, Numerical automatic systems, Dedicated Systems, Efficient Electrical Power Conversion, Neuroinformatics Applied Neuroinformatics, Power Electronic Systems, Virtual Instrumentation and Engineering Biomedical Engineering. To these are added practical subjects in which the master student is directly involved in scientific research activities during throughout the 2 years of study alongside the teaching staff course and applications (Research-documentary project, Research research-development, Integrative research project, Research carried out during during the first 3 semesters and Scientific Research, Research Practice and dissertation in the last semester). The curriculum also includes includes the subject Quality and Human Resources Management, which provides students the basics needed in the companies where graduates will be and, last but not least, Ethics and Academic Integrity which teaches the basics of respect for values and moral principles in firms and in social life.
Who is it for?
Potential candidates for this master program are graduates of undergraduate studies in the fields of: electronic engineering and computer telecommunications, computer and information technology, engineering sciences applied engineering, electrical engineering, systems engineering, computer science, engineering aerospace - specialization in aviation equipment and installations, engineering weapons, missiles and munitions engineering, energy engineering - specializations energy and nuclear technologies and energy systems engineering, engineering and management - specialization in economic engineering in the field of electrical, electronic and energy engineering, who wish to specialize in this current interdisciplinary field.
The experience of previous years has proven the interest in the EIA Master's program of both
own graduates, but also of the graduates of other faculties
electrical engineering from UPB (Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages, Engineering
Electrica, Energetica etc) as well as from other universities in the country (Academia
Technical Military Academy, Transilvania University of Brasov, Ovidius University
in Constanța, Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu etc),
who are
attracted by the educational offer of the EIA Master's program, which opens the way
professional career in research, design, production
services, commercialization of electronic systems and equipment
for industrial plants of all types, motor vehicles and robots.
Objectives of the Master's programme
- solid knowledge in the fields of: systems electronics dedicated systems, electronics of efficient electrical power conversion, electronics renewable energy systems, industrial informatics.
- developing analysis and synthesis capabilities of electronic equipment modern automation used in various industrial fields, industrial goods consumer goods, military applications, etc
- developing the ability to design and realize sub-assemblies for control of robots - robotronics, mechatronics, signal processing signal processing, applied neuroinformatics, sensor networks, instrumentation virtual instrumentation in biomedical engineering and intelligent environmental systems;
- developing the ability to maintain and design electronic equipment in vehicle structure and to cooperate with specialists from other fields in the automotive field;
- training the fundamental skills needed in research work (documentation, analysis, synthesis, synthesis, implementation, development of creativity, communication skills, receptiveness to the new) through documentation, research, development and integration projects;
- acquiring knowledge and skills in the realization of products and services services in line with customer requirements through quality management and ensuring and making the best possible use of the skills and competences skills of a firm's managers and employees through management human resources management;
- providing the necessary knowledge for further studies through doctoral programs.
Specialist skills offered to graduates
Professional and transversal competences offered to graduates of the program ELA master program are:
- Application of fundamental and specialized knowledge to solve complex technical problems specific to the field of Electronics and Applied Informatics;
- Developing engineering solutions to solve problems in the field of power electronics, renewable energy systems and automotive electronics;
- Solving problems related to rapid process control and the use of numerical controllers;
- Implementation and use of hardware and software in applications in applied electronics containing artificial intelligence;
- Design of sensor networks and transmission networks information networks in an enterprise using elements of science computer science;
- Application of knowledge in the field of neuroinformatics to conduct and finalization of case studies and dedicated systems to designing functional building blocks for signal classification and image and pattern recognition;
TRANSVERSAL SKILLS: Perform complex professional tasks in under conditions of autonomy and professional independence:
- Carrying out professional tasks with accurate identification of objectives to be achieved, potential risk factors, available resources economic and financial aspects, conditions for their completion, work stages, working time and related deadlines; Assuming leadership roles/functions for the work of groups professional groups or institutions;
- Responsible execution of work tasks in a multidisciplinary team, assuming roles at different hierarchical levels.
- Self-monitoring of the learning process, diagnosing training needs, analyzing reflective analysis of own professional activity;
- Identifying the need for continuing training and the effective use of sources information and communication and training resources assisted (Internet portals, specialized software applications, databases data, online courses, etc.) both in Romanian and in a foreign language international circulation;
Examples of research directions addressed
In the EIA Master's EIA semester projects represent parts of the work dissertation. Examples of current research directions addressed and reflected in in the dissertation topics uploaded on the ETTI platform (http://etti.pub.ro/absolvire) by the current year II EIA Master EIA (promotion 2018-2020):
- Implementing an orchestrator for a distributed monitoring system
- Fruit sorting using digital image processing
- Monitoring the current drawn from a single-phase network
- Data acquisition and processing system for home air conditioning
- Development and optimization of small-batch production process on affordable automation solutions for commercial premises
- Low-cost portable oscilloscope
- Interactive art installation for immersive viewing of fractals
- Authentication, authorization and payment methods in the online student management
- Communication system using Li-Fi technology
- Pulse oximeter
- Intelligent lighting system with LoRa control and PIR sensor
- Vegetation monitoring from time series of satellite images