Quality and safety engineering in electronics and telecommunications

John Bacivarov
Catalogue of disciplines
The ICSFET research master's program aims to achieve a high-level training in the modern interdisciplinary field of Engineering Quality and Operational Safety (reliability, maintainability, safety, survivability, etc.). It aims to provide the theoretical basis and applied knowledge to enable ICSFET graduates to solve quality and operational safety problems specific to electronics and telecommunications, to acquire the ability to have a vision at the level of and to follow specific design procedures for quality and quality reliability, reliability/safety, risk and diagnostic analysis, studies related to the physics of failures, etc. The master program trains competences and provide the tools and techniques for solving interdisciplinary problems in this current field of the European Economic Area European Economic Area. The ICSFET Master's program was developed to be compatible with that of other European universities in order to facilitate exchange of teachers/students in the framework of the educational and academic programs (mainly Erasmus).
Who is it for?
The ICSFET master's program is addressed to graduates with university studies undergraduate degrees in the fields of: electronic engineering and telecommunications computer and information technology, applied engineering sciences, electrical engineering, economic engineering (electronics) who wish to pursue specialize in this current interdisciplinary field.
Objectives of the Master's programme:
The ICSFET master's program aims to provide the theoretical basis and applied knowledge to enable its graduates to solve technical, as well as economic, managerial, legal, economic, managerial and legal problems quality and operational safety standardization specific to electronics and telecommunications. The necessary skills in the field of quality, reliability, maintainability and risk relating to design, manufacturing, risk and safety analysis, testing and optimal maintenance for electronics and IT&C.
Specialist skills offered to graduates
The ICSFET program provides skills in engineering and quality management, reliability, maintainability, security and survivability for electronics and IT&C fields. The courses, laboratories research carried out in this master creates the necessary skills for developments/research on this issue; thus, the graduate of this master is able to design, develop, manufacture, test and develop, manufacture, test and electronic and telecommunication systems at a high level of quality and reliability reliability and security at optimal cost.
Examples of research directions addressed
- Quality and reliability control and management;
- Quality of service assessment in telecommunications networks;
- Analyzing and certifying the quality, reliability and security of systems IT&C;
- Reliability assessment of complex electronic components and systems;
- Risk and security analysis in IT&C systems;
- Analysis of the reliability and security of high-liability systems functional
- (FMECA, Fault trees etc.);
- Implementation of fault-tolerant systems;
- Increased system survivability;
- Analysis of maintainability and availability of electronic systems and IT&C;
- Modeling, evaluating and increasing software reliability;
- Testing and diagnostics of hardware and software systems;
- Assessment of operational safety characteristics for systems sociotechnical systems;
- Study of cyber security assurance techniques: proactive measures and reactive measures to protect computer systems, analyzing attacks cyber attacks,
- investigating cybercrime.