
Simona Halunga
Catalogue of disciplines
The complementary Master of Telecommunications program is offered by the Department of Telecommunications in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI), one of the long-standing and traditional departments in the faculty. The department collaborates, through cooperation/sponsorship contracts, with major telecommunications operators and companies in our country (Telekom, Orange, Vodafone, Cosmote, Ericsson, Alcatel Romania, Intrarom, Infineon, etc.) as well as with institutions of the national security system (SRI, SIE, STS, MApN, etc.) and also participates in international research contracts.
Training in the degree programme is provided through a curriculum that harmoniously combines fundamental subjects, core technical subjects and specialist subjects, plus formative subjects in economics and project management. The Master's programme in Telecommunications aims to provide the theoretical basis and fundamental application knowledge in the field of telecommunications, the ability to have an overview of a telecommunications system or network by highlighting the different levels, from the physical to the application level, and to be able to operate or intervene in such a system. In this respect, the programme combines in a harmonious way the main elements related to basic training in electronics and telecommunications with state-of-the-art hardware and software applications. In view of the dynamics of the telecommunications sector in general and of the labour market in this field, as well as the need for retraining of a number of graduates who may find job opportunities in this area.
Given the dynamics of the telecommunications field in general and the labour market in this area, as well as the need for retraining of a number of graduates who can find job opportunities in this field, the master program is fully justified among the master specializations of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology.
The academic staff of the faculty working in this degree program has a recognized prestige and a long tradition in scientific research, illustrated by books published by prestigious publishers in the country and abroad, articles published in the most important international journals and participation in collaboration with academic and industrial partners in numerous national and international research contracts. The team also tries to bring in guests from industry and research for lectures on niche areas.
Who is it for?
The Telecommunications Master's programme is aimed at graduates of undergraduate departments other than those oriented towards Telecommunications from the ETTI faculty or similar faculties, such as Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Energy), Mechanical Engineering, as well as Master's graduates from other faculties (Applied Engineering Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, Construction, ASE, etc.) as well as graduates from other faculties who wish to retrain and are interested in developing their theoretical background and practical skills in order to be able to work in the telecommunications field.
Objectives of the Master's programme
The objectives of this Master's programme, relative to the qualification that graduates will obtain, are to acquire basic knowledge on:
- General technical training appropriate to a telecommunications operating engineer
- Obtain basic knowledge in fundamental subjects such as Probability and Random Processes; Theory of Information Transmission, Basics of Communication Systems, Digital Signal Processing; Transmission Media.
- Knowledge of basic aspects of the structure of telecommunications systems:
Analogue and data communications; Network architectures and Internet technologies; Satellite communication systems;
- Knowledge of current issues related to modern communications systems: Mobile and personal communications; Access and transport technologies;
Network, service and mobile terminal security; Network simulators; Performance evaluations,
- Complementary training in Project Management and legal issues.
Specialist skills offered to graduates
Graduates should acquire the ability to have an overview of a telecommunications system or network by highlighting the different levels, from the physical to the application level, and be able to operate or intervene in such a system. They must obtain, following this master,
- Ability to follow and execute a technical project in telecommunications;
- Ability to implement a telecommunications system in the field;
- Ability to organise and monitor the smooth running of a telecommunications system;
- Ability to analyze and determine system level specifications of equipment sub-assemblies and their modules;
- Ability to specify telecommunications services and applications and to develop small and medium-sized applications
- To produce a comprehensive picture of the techniques for transmitting and receiving data transmitted through communication channels.
Examples of research directions addressed
The research directions addressed cover an extremely wide range of applications, from the development of data transmission and reception techniques to aspects of next-generation mobile communication systems, security systems, techniques and applications, signal and image processing, network development for medical applications - in this respect the team is open to any tangential approach to the field of communications to which the student/graduate feels attracted.