Practice - stage II
During this stage the following is carried out:
- registration of students for the places on offer (will be carried out via the platform at;
- organisation by companies of the selection process (CV study, interview, etc.);
- announcement of the result of the interview;
- the student's choice of a single place of practice.
Description of the practice application
Students are enrolled in internships offered by companies that have a framework agreement with the faculty or in the ETTI Faculty's research laboratories through the internship platform.
- Please note that some companies may request other documents/information in addition to your CV that cannot be uploaded on the internship platform (e.g.: letter of intent, school records, etc.) In this case, the documents requested by the company will be sent by you to the address specified in the platform corresponding to the internship you wish to apply for.
- The list of internship partner companies that have signed an agreement with the faculty is available on the platform.
- Please visit the ETTI internship platform on a daily basis, as the list of companies and the places they offer are constantly updated according to their availability.
- Please note that if you have withdrawn your application at a particular position, YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO APPLY FOR THAT POSITION!
Students log in with the email address created by the university and their CNP. This address is of the form (information about this address can be found at here).
The CV must be bilingual and in Europass (recommendation) as it will be available to all companies you apply to. It can be changed later. The CV must necessarily contain the student's personal contact details (mainly e-mail address and mobile phone number) so that company representatives can contact them. The CV must be saved in ".pdf", ".doc", ".docx" or ".odt" format in order to be uploaded to the platform.
For each company, the details provided by the company representatives are listed: company presentation, location of the internship, application conditions, facilities and benefits, as well as the e-mail or web address where students should apply. The internship themes offered and the total number of places for each theme are displayed. Specifications, requirements, facilities and benefits for each theme can be detailed. Students must include in the file uploaded as CV all the information requested by the companies.
When the student wants to apply for a position (to be able to apply, the number of available places must be >0 for that position) the "I am applying for this position", at which point it is entered in the list of students who have applied for the theme. The company can view the student's CV and contact them by email or phone.
ATTENTION! The platform does not send email notifications to companies or students at the application or selection stages. Therefore, direct company-student interaction will be done by e-mail or telephone (scheduling the interview, sending other necessary information or documents, etc.).
Students should periodically check the status of their application for each theme they have applied for on the platform.
The possible states within this platform are as follows:
- Sent to (appears automatically when the student submits the company CV);
- In process (the company internship managers receive/read the CV, and then the student enters the assessment process);
- Accepted for interview (the student is called for interview/test/etc.);
- Accepted by the company (the company decides that the student should do the internship for the position to which they applied);
- Accepted by student (the student accepts the internship position offered by the company);
- Student withdrawal (the student decides to withdraw from a particular practice assignment);
- Rejected (the company decides that the student is not suitable for the position to which they have applied).
If the student has been accepted for a particular assignment, they must decide whether or not to accept the internship offered by the company. If they accept the assignment, the "ACCEPTED BY THE STUDENT", at which point all other applications you have submitted will be cancelled and the procedure to conclude the tripartite agreement between the student, the company and the faculty can begin (registration of the tripartite agreement, assignment of the tutor from the company, assignment of the supervising teacher from the faculty, signing of documents, etc.).
- If the student has been accepted by a company and does not respond in due time (time specified by each company at the time of acceptance of the student for a particular assignment), the company may cancel the student's internship place after this time has elapsed and the assignment will become available again for waiting students.
- This platform does not mediate communication between the company and the student. For additional information that the company wants from the student, the company will send the student requests to the e-mail address specified by the student in the CV (e.g.: cover letter, school situation, etc.).