Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

EDI has a dual mission:

  • to support students and employees: Promoting accessibility and inclusion for students with disabilities or special needs, facilitating their integration and academic success;

  • cultivating an inclusive environment: Fight discrimination and promote a university environment where all members feel valued, respected and have equal opportunities;

Adjusting exams

Exams can be adjusted for students with disabilities by giving them extra time for the exam, adapted exam format (oral exam instead of written exam for those with motor difficulties), use of technological equipment (text readers, audio devices), presence of a personal assistant or a sign language interpreter, depending on the individual's needs.

Procedure for requesting student needs for courses, exams and dormitories

  1. Initiating the request:
  2. Any student with disabilities/special educational needs who wishes to benefit from specific accommodations for the course or exams must submit a written request to the Dean's Office at least 20 calendar days before the scheduled date of the course or exam, except in emergency situations, in which case a priority evaluation will be requested.
  1. Any student with disabilities/special educational needs who wishes to benefit from specific accommodations to occupy a place in the dormitory must submit a written request to the Dean of Faculty's Secretariat at least 30 calendar days prior to the start of the academic year, except in emergency situations, in which case a priority assessment will be requested.
  2. The application will be drawn up on the standardized form provided by the EDI Centre, will be submitted online at razvan.craciunescu@upb.ro/ offline to the An secretariat, and will contain:
  1. Student identification data;
  2. Detailed description of specific needs;
  3. Mention of the course/exam for which the accommodations are requested, i.e. requesting a place in the dormitory;
  4. Supporting documentation (e.g.: specialist doctor's certificate, DGASPC report, etc).
  5. Analysis and communication of the application
  6. Upon receipt of the application, the EDI Center together with the responsible faculty dean will review the attached documentation in order to determine the necessary accommodations.
  7. The analysis will be carried out within 15 working days of receipt of the application.
  8. The decision on the granting of accommodations will be communicated in writing to the student, specifying the approved accommodations and the method of implementation.
  9. In the case of rejection, the student will be provided with a reasoned explanation and, where appropriate, information on the appeal procedure in accordance with internal rules.
  10.  Informing teachers

a) Following the approval of the request for accommodation and the establishment of the necessary measures, the dean of the faculty is responsible for officially informing the teachers involved in the course or examination for which the accommodation has been requested, respectively for assigning a place in the dormitory.

b) The information will be provided through a communication issued by the Dean's Office, which will include clear details on the approved adaptations and the way they will be implemented in the teaching activity.

c) The EDI Center will work closely with the dean of the faculty to ensure that the information submitted is complete and that the measures adopted are properly integrated into the educational process.

Adaptation to ensure accessibility in dormitories          

If the student requests accommodation on the campus of POLITEHNICII București, the dormitories will provide accommodation and access adapted to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities (adapted rooms, accessible bathrooms, easy access in and out of the buildings).

Support for campus transportation        

If requested, POLITEHNICA Bucharest can provide support for on-campus transportation, especially if it is a large campus, either through adapted internal transportation services or through agreements with local public transportation.

Support to complete studies and take final exams

Completing your studies and taking the graduation exam:

  1. if the student has special needs related to the defense of the bachelor's or dissertation thesis, at the student's request, the university can provide support.
  2. Diplomas and academic recognition: Diplomas obtained by students with disabilities should not indicate that they have benefited from special accommodations. Diplomas and academic recognition should reflect the same academic standards for all students.

Career guidance and labor market integration

Career guidance and labor market integration:

  1. During their studies, students with disabilities can benefit from career guidance and counseling services. The EDI Center, together with the CCOC, can provide support in adapting CVs and preparing for job interviews;
  2. working with organizations and companies that offer jobs for people with disabilities, ensuring a smooth transition from education to working life.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the support provided

The EDI Center must monitor the support provided and constantly evaluate the effectiveness of the support provided to students with disabilities in order to improve services and infrastructure. Close collaboration between students, the academic community and the support team is essential in order to tailor measures to the individual needs of each student.

1) Persons with disabilities/special educational needs who are students in an institution of higher education, on the basis of supporting medical documents, have the following categories of rights:

a. on studies
i. Budget-funded undergraduate and master's places, according to the law;
ii. Tailored information and communication services;
iii. Access to information and educational resources in adapted format;
iv. Adapted admission methods;
v. Adapted evaluation methods
vi. Support in carrying out activities within the discipline "Specialized Practice";
vii. Exempting/motivating absences from activities for medical check-ups/treatments, with the possibility of recuperation;
viii. Access to the services of a sign language interpreter upon request;
b. on accessibility:
i. Adapted access to university premises (educational, administrative, accommodation, meals, reading, sports, etc.);
ii. Free access by car to the campus and parking space;
iii. Adapted accommodation and sanitary facilities, priority to dormitory accommodation, especially on the ground floor;
iv. Free access to assistive devices/equipment/software;
c. on support services:
i. Free specialized psycho-pedagogical/vocational/career counseling and assistance;
ii. Free medical, dental and psychological care, subject to availability;
iii. Support services for teaching activities tailored to individual needs;
iv. Accompanist during teaching activities or exams, on request;
d. of a financial nature:
i. the possibility to access categories of scholarships, including social scholarships;
50% discount on canteen accommodation and meals, on request;
iii. free or reduced transportation costs;
e. of a social nature:
i. access to learning opportunities through national and international mobility programs;
ii. access to non-formal/extracurricular activities;
iii. free places in rest camps once a year, together with personal assistants;

2) The education of students with specific learning disorders, namely dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, is ensured through established psycho-pedagogical methods and appropriate approach, according to the provisions of Article 129 para. (2) of the Law on Higher Education no. 199/2023, as amended and supplemented