Registration for the diploma exam
The following steps must be followed to register:
Upload to your personal account on the ETTI platform of the following documents within the timeframe specified in the graduation calendar:
- Application form on with the signature of the project leader. It is optional the presence of the graduation average on this application (especially in the situation where some grades on the remainder are passed late), but the application will not be processed until the student has passed all exams. Application form must be completed online on the by each graduate on his/her own account. In the Diploma project the graduate must select the current session, fill in the project title (with diacritics and be IDENTICAL to the title of the topic in Annex 1), select the coordinator from the list, and if the coordinator does not appear in the list, select "other university" and write the name of the coordinator. The form will then be saved and signed by the student and the coordinator.
ATTENTION! The title of the theme must be in Romanian, and for English programmes the title in English must be added. - Declaration of originality: is printed, is completed by hand, signed and dated, scanned and different from the declaration of honesty to be included in the project (Annex 5 of the ETTI graduation regulations).
- Identity card, scanned
- Proof of completion of the employability questionnaire on (only if it doesn't show up on your student account, use this link: - complete online, save and upload the proof that appears after completion
- Similarity ratio generated from SemPlag or Turnitin (only the relevant pages signed by the student and his/her supervisor), together with analysis and interpretation of the report. In order to comply with the new regulations on the conduct of graduation exams issued by the university and approved by the senate, available here, we apply the following methodology for the graduation of ETTI bachelor programs:
- Step 1: All students who wish to register for the bachelor's degree exam must upload on the graduation platform, in the section "Upload preliminary draft" the preliminary version (as close as possible to the final one) of the thesis.
Note: Below is an image of the updated menu on the platform. - Step 2: The similarity of the preliminary draft submitted to Step 1 using SemPlag or Turnitin.
Note: The verification will be performed by a member of the department designated by the Department Head, who has access to SemPlag or Turnitin and can generate the similarity report. The report will then be returned to the supervisor who will analyze and interpret it using the available template here. - Step 3: Tutors send the students the similarity report along with their analysis, and students will upload them along with the rest of the documents to the graduation platform upon registration. A new field called "Signed Similarity Report" has become available under the "Upload Enrolment Documents" section for this purpose.
Note: A single document will be uploaded containing: i) the first two pages of the similarity report, signed, and ii) the analysis and interpretation of the report using the above template.
- Step 1: All students who wish to register for the bachelor's degree exam must upload on the graduation platform, in the section "Upload preliminary draft" the preliminary version (as close as possible to the final one) of the thesis.

The following documents are not uploaded to your personal account:
- Proof of payment of the examination fee for those who have studied on a fee-paying basis or are repeating the final exam - sent by e-mail to
- Liquidation sheet it is no longer part of the documents that the student submits when registering, as from the 2019-2020 academic year it is filled in by the secretariat.
- Two photos taken recentlyon photographic paper, color, 3x4cm format. There are three ways to do this:
- by Romanian post;
- by express courier;
- deposit in the metal boxes in the secretariat.
For the first two ways, the costs will be borne by you. For the third, you will use the six metal boxes in the secretariat, each for one specialisation. Whichever method you choose, please send or submit your photos in an envelope with your name, surname and specialisation written on the envelope and your name, surname and specialisation written on the back of the photos.
After registration:
- The Secretariat will check the conformity of the documents submitted and you will receive comments if there are any problems. Once these are complete and correct, the upload buttons will become inactive.
- Diploma project (in PDF format) as well as Diploma project summary (in PDF format) is uploaded to the (Attention, not on the platform; you can upload there too but it does not count) in the calendar period. This draft is being considered and noted by the committee.
Display the planning of the diploma exams
The committee secretaries draw up the schedule of days and times for the diploma examination on the basis of the registration documents. There is no additional registration with the committee secretaries. The planning link will appear on the timetable page about two days before the examination.