Session I Master - Early Admission

Calendar concurs: Sesiunea Admitere anticipată 202

Registration of candidates15.12.2024 – 09.05.2025*
Admission competition13.05 - 14.05.2025
Communication of results15.05.2025
Registration of candidates (at the faculty secretariat)07.07 - 11.07.2025between 9 am and 4 pm
30.07.2025**between 10-12
*On the last registration day of each period, registration can only be done until 16:00.
** doar pentru candidatii care sustin examenul de licenta/diploma dupa data de 11.07.2025

Documents required for registration

The registration code, on the basis of which the results are displayed, is available in the candidate's account, under 'Current status'.

Admitted lists early admission master

Rejected lists early admission master

Eventualele contestații vor putea fi depuse on-line la Comisia Locală de Admitere, în termen de 24 ore de la publicarea rezultatelor. Mai multe detalii pot fi vizualizate aici.

Scheduling candidates for interview

Pentru a susține interviul on-line la programele de masterat ETTI trebuie completat un formular. Linkul pentru clasa din Teams, unde are loc interviul on-line, poate fi accesată aici.

In the context of the admission competition for admission to the Master's degree programme in early admission sessiona candidate can apply only at one faculty in POLITEHNICA Bucharest.

List of Master's programmes with places offered for early admission. 

Name of study programme   Master places Of which early admission places
Advanced Computing in Embedded Systems30  
Advanced Microelectronics 30 
Advanced Wireless Communications 30 
Mobile communications 30 
Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Control 30 
Electronics and applied computer science 30 
Medical electronics and informatics 30 
Quality and safety engineering in electronics and electronics telecommunications  30 
Information and computer systems engineering 30 
Management of services and networks 30 
Microelectronics and nanoelectronics 30
Microsystems 30
Optoelectronics 30
Advanced techniques for digital imaging 30
Advanced integrated technologies in car electronics 30
Multimedia technologies in biometrics and security applications information security  30
Multimedia technologies for content production in audiovisual and communications  30
Advanced software technologies for communications 30
Telecomunications 30
Intelligent systems and machine vision 30

In the event that there are more than one applicant with equal overall admission averages, the faculty may supplement the number of budget places allocated to a master's programme within the limit of the total number of places per faculty, or a separation of applicants according to their undergraduate average.

The two competition rounds will take place online on the Microsoft Teams platform. Details of the content of the Master Interview tests can be found athere.

Cuantumul taxei de înscriere este de  50 RON pentru înscrierea la sesiunea de admitere anticipată, și a fost stabilit de către Senatul Universității:

  1. Copiii personalului didactic și didactic auxiliar aflat în activitate sau pensionat sunt scutiți de plata taxelor de înscriere la concursurile de admitere în învățământul superior.
  2. Beneficiază de prevederile alin. (1.) copiii cu unul sau ambii părinţi decedaţi, copiii din familii monoparentale precum și persoanele aflate în risc de a-şi pierde capacitatea de satisfacere a nevoilor zilnice de trai din cauza unor situaţii de boală, dizabilitate, sărăcie.
  3. Scutirea de la plata acestor taxe se face numai pe baza documentelor doveditoare prezentate de candidaţi. Aprobarea scutirii se face de către comisiile tehnice de înscriere pe facultăţi/departamente.

The application file must contain the following documents:

  1. registration form  tip, conform Anexei 2 (se generează din, în care vor menționa, sub semnătură electronică sau scanată și răspundere proprie, toate datele solicitate de formularul respectiv (se descarcă din regulament); 
  2. birth certificate ;
  3. marriage certificate(if applicable);
  4. school situation the licence years preceding the current year in which they are in orfoaia matricolă/ suplimentul la diplomăif they have graduated from an undergraduate program in a previous year;
  5. identity card/passport ;
  6. proof of payment of the registration feeearly admission;
  7. affidavit(included in Annex 2) in which the candidate declares that he/she has not previously been awarded a budgeted place on a Master's degree course if he/she applies for a place without fee.

By exception, candidates who are students in a final year of undergraduate studies at POLITEHNICA Bucharest in the academic year 2023-2024 do not need to submit the document specified in point (d).

Certification of language skills is done in one of the following ways:

  • The candidate has a language proficiency certificate for language of instruction (minimum B2); the certificate is uploaded in the online application platform;
  • The candidate is a graduate of an undergraduate degree program or master's degree in the language of instruction;
  • The candidate has a foreign language discipline for that language of instruction passed in the first year of undergraduate studies with an average of at least 8,00;
  • The candidate takes the online test in POLITEHNICA Bucharest of language proficiency test for the language of instruction (if he/she does not fall into one of the 3 previous conditions) and obtains the grade PROMOTED;
  • The candidate takes the foreign language test as part of the interview with the examination board.