General information for enrollment in the graduation exam

Listed below are the necessary steps to register for the diploma or dissertation exam:

February session

The February session is a session of arrears for the previous academic year and is considered as the third session after the July and September sessions. Students who simultaneously fulfil the following conditions may participate:

  • they have an approved theme (there is a validation code) in the form of an Annex 1/2 from the previous academic year (not older);
  • have all exams passed (240 credit points) no later than the end of the September arrears session.
  • have a supervisor who agrees to continue to supervise the student this semester, and who is to sign off that the paper is ready in February (some supervisors chosen by older students may be unavailable at this time).

For this session, no modification of Annex 1/2 already approved in the previous academic year is accepted, no new annexes are approved, and consequently the theme or the leader cannot be changed. Students who do not meet these conditions will register for the June or September intake of the current academic year, according to the instructions above, in which case it is possible to change the topic or supervisor. It is possible for a student to register for the February session and simultaneous to register with a new Schedule 1/2 (and possibly another leader) for the June/September sessions. In this way, if the student passes the diploma exam in February, the new Annex 1/2 will be deleted; if they do not pass, they continue working in semester 2 according to the new annex.

Regulations and Procedures

The annexes [1 ... 7] mentioned above as well as the full description of the steps to be followed in the diploma/dissertation work are available in:

  • ETTI regulation regarding the preparation of graduation theses – PDF version, DOCX version (can be used as a template for writing the paper in Word).
  • English version: ETTI Regulations on the preparation of the graduation thesis – PDF version, DOCX version

UPB regulation on the organization and conduct of final exams (this is the general UPB regulation and refers almost exclusively to the registration for the exam and the submission of the paper; the annexes and stages regarding the choice and registration of the topic, approval and elaboration are not in this UPB regulation, but in the ETTI)

Useful Links

  • Diploma/Dissertation project summary: DOCX, PDF
  • Templates graduation paper in LaTeX
  • Appendix 8: list of coordinating departments of long-term specializations, bachelor's and master's study programs
  • Completing the presentation of the diploma project (Q&A)
  • List of the themes elaborated in 2019-2020 (selection)