Intelligent Techniques for Automatic Diagnosis of Medical Images
Course Holder: Conf. dr. eng. Alina SULTANA
Laboratory holder: Conf. dr. eng. Alina SULTANA
Cursul își propune doua obiective majore:
- to make a structured presentation of the main types of imaging methods available in literature: radiography, tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultrasound and nuclear medicine;
- Application development and implementation of computer-aided diagnosis solutions using advanced Computer Vision techniques and DNN networks.
In order to achieve the first objective, the course curriculum describes for each method the principle of medical imaging from physical phenomena to the processing of the obtained 2D signal.
The application part aims at a current approach to applications in the field of medical imaging. For this reason, the discipline aims to collaborate with renowned representatives of medical equipment to access and use current technologies in the field of medical imaging.