Second and third degree performance scholarships, first semester, 2023/2024

According to the scholarship award methodology, students who have obtained a grade point average above 8.00 in the entrance exam in 2023 or in the previous academic year can apply for a scholarship in the first semester by filling in the standard performance scholarship application form. We remind you that students in the first year of bachelor and first year of master can only apply for and receive the performance scholarship [...]

Scholarship award calendar, first semester, 2023-2024

In accordance with the updated scholarship regulations, published here, below is the performance scholarship timetable for the first semester, year 2023-2024: No.Crt.StagePeriod1Submission of scholarship applications and supporting documents30.10.2023 (8:00) -10.11.2023 (16:00)2Assessment of applications and documents submitted for scholarships by the Faculty Scholarship Award Committee13.11.2023 - 17.11.20233Drafting of lists of [...]

Competition for ERASMUS+ scholarships within the academic year 2023-2024

Actualizare 19 Octombrie 2023 Canalul de TEAMS (ERASMUS ETTI 2023-2024) pe care se vor desfășura interviurile (în intervalul orar 10-12) pentru Concursul ERAMUS din data de 24 octombrie este: Așa cum s-a anunțat anterior, dosarele aplicanților trebuie încărcate conform Mini-ghid de informare Biroul Erasmus – Secțiunea Outgoing Applications Oct 2023.pdf Actualizare 12 Octombrie 2023 Consultați fișierul: Mini-ghid de informare Biroul […]

Decont STB 2023-2024

Submission of documents for the settlement of STB vouchers purchased up to the date of submission will be made at the ETTI secretariat, through the group leaders or individually. The forms for the settlement of season tickets can be submitted in January (for October, November, December), April (for January, February, March) and June (for April and June). For more details, see the settlements page.

Completion of the notice on the signing of contracts and payment of fees for the academic year 2023/2024

Stages of the process of signing the study contract: For the issuance of student transcripts, validation on the platform is sufficient. Attention! Print and bring the original contract uploaded by the secretariat on the platform, not other versions! Otherwise the provisions of the Regulations on the organisation and conduct of the educational process will apply. For the calculation of the fee due for the first semester you will take into account [...]

Notice concerning the signing of contracts and payment of fees for the academic year 2023/2024

The procedure for signing contracts this academic year will generally be the same as in the previous academic year, in that the Secretariat will upload the study contracts to the contracts platform, and you will download, print and sign them in holograph (obligatory) and then upload them to the platform together with proof of payment of fees, if applicable. The original [...]

IBAN update

ATTENTION UNDERGRADUATE AND MASTER'S STUDENTS Students in the first year of Bachelor's and Master's, academic year 2023/2024, are kindly requested to urgently fill in their IBAN code on the platform by 16 October 2023 (after this date the year secretary will validate the personal data and the upload field will be blocked). Attention! The account must be opened on [...]

Applications and resources available to students

Last Updated Tuesday, 03 October 2023 15:14 Our faculty, in collaboration with the university offers access to the following online and offline resources to students in the bachelor and master cycles: - is the place where you can manage your access to the resources offered by the university and reset your password. The password is automatically sent to the personal email address or phone saved on, where it has been migrated [...]

Accounts students admitted in 2023 bachelor and master

Last Updated Tuesday, 03 October 2023 15:14 Accounts and access for students admitted this academic year are active. To understand the application structure and access to resources, please read the information below: - - Students who have had an @upb account before, regardless of faculty, will use the same account.