Applications and resources available to students

Last Updated Tuesday, 03 October 2023 15:14

Our faculty, in collaboration with the university, offers access to the following online and offline resources for undergraduate and graduate students:

– is the place where you can manage your access to university resources and reset your password. The password is automatically sent to the personal email address or phone saved on the account was migrated from the admission (so the login details are the same as the admission: username=cnp and password which you can reset if you don't know it anymore).

-To be able to access resources, you must set an OTP device (or more). This device will need to be customized for UPB applications and your account. SSO device management is done on the, "Profile" tab, "Accounts" menu, "SSO device management" button. For the first login you will need to access moodle ( from where you will get a QR code that helps you to set up the SSO device after entering your username and password.


- The password must be very complex to be accepted by Microsoft servers (no dictionary words or parts of the username, 4 types of characters, no repetition of one of the last 5 passwords);

- connection problems can be reported on but messages must be to the point (description of the problem accompanied by login details: cnp, full name, year of study, group, personal e-mail address, telephone) and only in relation to access to the account;

- first year students who have never had a UPB account will have to request account activation, students who have already accessed moodle can access the system with their old password or request password recovery;

Please note, this system is only intended to manage access to online resources provided by the university (personal e-mail,, moodle), does not refer to resources offered by the faculty (website,, questionnaires, graduation, contracts). Do not post here unrelated tickets (wrong group, access to the contracts application, wrong grades...), if you spam you may be blocked. Also, before posting read the instructions and technically describe the problem (what link you went to, what you filled in, what the error message is) after you submit.

A user guide for these resources is available at 

– is a database where you can access your school situation (exam results, overdue exams, credit points,...). Here you will have to carefully set the iban code of the card on which you will receive your scholarship or subscription payments, a valid e-mail address, and a phone number. Based on them you can access various resources, reset passwords, year secretaries can contact you when there are urgent problems.

– is a server on which you will have access at different stages to various applications, from study contracts to graduation applications. Information about login can be found on the faculty webpage. These resources are available at specific times according to the calendar posted in due course on the faculty webpage.

– (MOODLE) is an online course platform where professors give you access to various course-related resources (the content is managed by each professor and it is up to the individual who posts there). Information can be found on the faculty webpage ( ), the location can change, but you can use the search (top right). You can find your username on the initial password.

- An e-mail account such as Information can be found on the faculty website ( ), the location can change, but you can use the search (top right). You can find your username on the initial password.

– DreamSpark (older MSDNAAImagine, Azure) is a Microsoft program that gives university students access to compilers and 'accessories' - operating systems. Information about access can be found here: Aces account Microsoft Imagine . You can't get access to resources directly from Microsoft but only through the faculty, so if you don't know the account anymore it's useless to quickly post a message on the Microsoft pages, even if some of your messages reach us, they are neglected because they come with a lot of useless information and we can't identify the sender.

– Office 365, access to Microsoft Office via your university-created e-mail account (, information can also be found on the faculty webpage ( ), the location can change, but you can use the search (top right).

All these resources are provided free of charge by the faculty and with limited support:

- At any time, for various reasons, support or even access to these resources may cease,
- We do not offer support for installation (downloaded key does not work, computer does not boot from CD, or you have no electricity in your home) or use.
(account, student accounts, student account)