Competition for ERASMUS+ scholarships within the academic year 2023-2024
Update 19 October 2023
The TEAMS channel (ERASMUS ETTI 2023-2024) on which the interviews will take place (from
10-12) for the ERAMUS Competition on October 24 is:
As previously announced, applicants' files must be uploaded according to Mini-guide Information Erasmus Office - Outgoing Applications Oct 2023.pdf
Update 12 October 2023
See file: Mini-guide Information Erasmus Office - Outgoing Applications Oct 2023.pdf
Milestone: October 2023
The Erasmus+ Selection Competition, organized by the ETTI Faculty, is open for applications 2nd - 4th year undergraduate students, 2nd year master students and 2nd - 3rd year PhD students. Application will include the following documents:
- Application to the Dean:
- The opinion of the professor coordinating the mobility with the University for which (see annex at the end);
- The type of mobility: study or placement;
- The situation of the results of the teaching activity, including the average (M) of the study semesters previous. Master's and doctoral students should attach all previous transcripts;
- Presentation of professional-scientific activity - awards, diplomas, innovations or other results relevant to scientific events, projects, competitions, olympiads, etc., including from the period of high school studies, at local/ UNSTPB level or at national/international;
- Certificate of proficiency in a language of international communication or the official language of the host country (can be: Cambridge ESOL, TOEFL, possibly issued by another institution authorized institution, or certificate obtained from the Modern Languages Department of UNSTPB);
- Motivation letter (typed in English, French or German);
- EUROPASS model CV (in English, French or German);
- Copy of Identity Card.
Each candidate shall consider the following:
- the document in point 2 is requested from the faculty secretariat (in extremis a copy from the platform;
- the document in point 4 is issued by an authorized institution or the Department of Modern Languages of UNSTPB;
- all documents are placed in an envelope - the Application file Erasmus+ student application form on which they are written, as appropriate:
- Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology;
- Application for Erasmus+ student status;
- Name and surname;
- Student / Master / PhD, Year of study (current);
- ERASMUS code of the partner university;
- Telephone and e-mail;
- Date of submission.
- Applicant students should contact their ERASMUS mobility coordinators
to obtain their opinion.
Note: To apply, each student who wishes to to participate in the ERASMUS+ competition will scan the whole application file (in the above order, with the cover page in first position) and upload the generated pdf file (possibly the or zip archive) to a location on the Moodle site (address will be communicated soon updated). The aforementioned document(s) will be uploaded as electronically by October 23, 2023, 20:20. The original file will be handed in by by the student at a later date according to the instructions that will be announced during the competition. - Further information on the ERASMUS Community education program can be obtained from the UNSTPB ERASMUS secretariat (, as well as from mobility coordinators.
- For the assessment of language skills (for students who do not have certificates), you can find
details about the language test organized by the DCLM colleagues here:,
information and links have been updated (October 12, 4 different time slots
for the tests).
Note: the results of the language tests (mentioned above) will be most likely to be received by the ERASMUS exam / Stage October 2023. Possible slight delays will be taken into account later. - The competition will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform (and associated Moodle, which will be updated no later than the week prior to the ERASMUS Competition). The competition will take place on October 24, 2023. Starting time of the interview examination will be 10:00 a.m. For further information, please visit the Moodle page< dedicated Erasmus competition (link to be announced soon).
Prof. dr. eng. Mihnea UDREA
Erasmus Programme Vice-Dean
Conf. dr. eng. Iulian NĂSTAC