Choice of optional subjects for the academic year 2024-2025

  Studenții care au fost în anul universitar 2023-2024 în anii I, II și III pot alege disciplinele opționale în perioada 5 – 18 septembrie 2024, inclusiv, pentru anul universitar 2024-2025 accesând platforma de la adresa în meniul „Alege opționale„.   Parola este parola unică folosită pe aplicațiile ETTI (opționale, absolvire, contracte) și este diferită de parola de pe aplicațiile UPB (, Moodle, […]

For the attention of ETTI registered candidates - session 2024

We announce that starting next week, your accounts on our platform will be created. We will come back with an official announcement on our website when these accounts will be available and you will be able to activate them. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that the tickets already opened in this regard will be settled automatically once the accounts [...]

Graduation calendar 2023-2024

The following deadlines are valid for the diploma/dissertation exam in September 2024: Submission to the committee: upload of the PDF pre-final project - the uploaded version is the one that will be checked for plagiarism: upload of the PDF pre-final project - the uploaded version is the one that will be checked for plagiarism: 27.08.2024 - 02.09.2024 Registration (online) at the secretariat for the fall session: 27.08.2024 - [...]